
Monday May 28, 2018
CT066 - Karate Kid Trilogy Review
Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
I'm sure most of you have heard, but there is a ton of buzz about he new Karate Kid show, Cobra Kai, that was realased this week on You Tube Red. Everyone is excited about this thing, so it made me curious about why the original movies were so iconic and if they still hold up a few decades after their release.
Ezra Scott and I sat down to rewatch the original trilogy and give you guys a Karate guy's perspective on the films.
There are plenty of spoilers right from the top of the show, but if you are listening to a karate podcast about a 30 year old karate movie, so you should have seen them by now!

Sunday Mar 25, 2018
CT065 - Louis Martin: Maybe Therapy Should Be Your Therapy
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Louis Martin, author of The True Believers, is back today to continue our discussion about cultism, fanatacism, financial exploitation, and a few other topics he discusses in his book.
We start off the show right where we left off the last one, with the extremely fast promotions Louie saw while training in Seibukan JuJitsu, and also the multiple titles that are becoming more prevalant in the martial arts. We then get into the dangers of deifying instructors, and wrap up by pointing out some warning sigs for people in the martial arts to look out for.

Sunday Mar 11, 2018
CT064 - Louis Martin: The True Believers
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Today's guest is Louis Martin, author of The True Believers. Louie' book explores the fanaticism and cultism that is common in the martial arts, through his own experience training in Seibukan Jujutsu.
The book, and Louie's experiences, are similar to Leah Remini's exploration of Scientology in her A&E show Scientology & the Aftermath. But the martial arts world has its own version of "cultism", and its not always easy to draw the line between normal martial arts stuff (which can be a little weird) and taking it to this bizzare amplified version of reality. As Louie gets into his experiences you begin to see where it is possible for instructors to take advantage of people financially, emotionally while the students themselves have culpability by by diefying their instructors, and continued one-upsmanship for his attention.
Louie's book is a very honest exploration of his experiences in martialarts, and its not really like any other martial arts book that i've come across. I think anybody whose trained in the martial arts is going to relate to some of the things that Louis saw and was involved in, even if its not to the same DEGREE. And its also a good warning for people looking to get into the martial arts, of some of the stranger things to watch out for.
You can find the book, The True Believers on Amazon, I will put a link in the show notes and on facebook.

Monday Jan 22, 2018
CT063 - Does Karate Have a Fitness Problem?
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Ezra Scott from James McLain's Kosho School of Karate in Nashville is back this week to discuss a big topic in martial arts, "Does Karate have a Fitness Problem?". Ezra and I share our thoughts on the subject, and also a few tips to help people go in the right direction.
If you want to learn more about Ezra and his school, please visit www.koshokarate.wordpress.com.
For info on the NSNG diet and Vinnie Tortorich, check out www.vinnietortorich.com , he has put together a great packet that introduces you to his diet plan, also Vinnie has a podcast called Fitness Confidential, and is very approachable on Twitter and also does phone consultations. I did one of these consults last year, and got a lot of good info directly from Vinnie.
Ezra also brought up the Paleo Diet, and the best source of info for this one is probably www.thepaleodiet.com
For info on Hojo Undo, Renshu Kigu (as Choki Motobu called it) and other traditional karate weight training, there are quite a few good sources. Michael Clarke has a book "The Art of Hojo Undo", that has a lot of the history, instructions on constructing basic versions, you can check out Morio Higaonna's DVDs, and they might even be up on youtube. A lot of karate videos are available now. I know I always talk bad about learning karate from youtube, but if Higaonnai is in the video its safe to say that it is legit.
Also, our sponsor, Kosho Martial Arts Equipment is coming out with a few short videos showing some of these basic exercises. I am not sure when they will be released, but I know they are on the way because.... I'm in them!
As always, wherever you are listening to the show, please write a review and give us a 5 star rating, and be sure to check out the new Chop Talk twitter account!

Sunday Dec 03, 2017
CT062 - Victor Moore: Going WAY Back!
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
This week, we wrap up our discussion with Victor Moore, "The Man who Fought 'Em All".
Today, Sensei Moore starts off by discussing the state of traditional karate, the different styles, and his fighting strategy. We then get into a few stories about some of his early students, including Woodrow Fairbanks, John Jelks, Chester Richardson, and the Awad Brothers, and some of the amazing demonstrations he put on. We then get into how his karate career led him out of Cincinnati, and talks about his complicated relationship with another American Karate pioneer, and Chop Talk guest, James McLain. At the end of the show, he talks about his upcoming seminar, and MORE importantly Christmas Dinner, on Saturday December 16th in Wilmingon, North Carolina.
We finally have some additional info on the seminar, including a flier, which I will post with photos from today's show on the ChopTalk facebook page. I have already shared Sensei Moore's post about the Seminar on Facebook. This seminar is looking like a good one, but it also looks like you will not be able to pre-register online or use your paypal account.
Also you can get more details by contacting Victor Moore on Facebook, giving him a call at: 910-655-4560.
You can find out more about Victor Moore, and his organization, the Traditional World Karate Association at www.twka.co Be sure to check out his videos on Youtube: Vic Moore the man who fought them all, Forgotten Fury, and Put up your Dux. D-U-X

Sunday Nov 26, 2017
CT061 Victor Moore: Cowboys, Hockey Players, & Karate Guys
Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Sunday Nov 26, 2017
This week, "The Man who Fought 'Em All", Victor Moore, returns to the show.
Today, Sensei Moore talks about his early tournament career and highlights, his fighting strategy, and training with Chito Ryu founder, Tsuyoshi Chitose. He shares some memories from his film career, including Black Karate, Flower Drum Man, Carnival Magic, the Masked Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, 29th Street, and Rablin' Rose.
In the 2nd half of the show, he discusses how John Keehan aka "Count Dante" aka "The deadliest man alive" helped introduce him to he met his main teacher, Grandmaster Trias and his organization the USKA. He also gets into the introduction of safe-t-punch sparring gear, and how it changed karate tournaments and training, in his view, for the worse. He also discusses how he became the the FIRST Shuri Ryu Chief Instructor, and his departure from the USKA.
You can find out more about Victor Moore, and his organization, the Traditional World Karate Association at www.twka.co.
Sensei Moore will be holding a seminar on Saturday December 16th, in Wilmingon, North Carolina. The seminar flier is not out yet, but I will post it on the Chop Talk facebook page as soon as it is. In the meantime, you can get more details by contacting Victor Moore on Facebook, giving him a call at: 910-655-4560. And also be sure to check out his videos on Youtube: Vic Moore the man who fought them all, Forgotten Fury, and Put up your Dux. D-U-X

Monday Nov 13, 2017
CT060 Victor Moore: "Bit 'n Pieces" to Toughest Man in Cincinnati
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
This week's guest , "The Man who Fought 'Em All", and a true American Karate Pioneer, Victor Moore.
In the show, Sensei Moore talks about how he began training in the martial arts in the 1950s, his early teachers and his "Old School" training, and his path to opening the first karate first karate school in Cincinnati. He also gets into some of the discrimination he faced during his career. Sensei Moore started martial arts in a VERY different time, and its tough to hear what he had to go through to get where he is today.
You can find out more about Victor Moore, and his organization, the Traditional World Karate Association at www.twka.co Sensei Moore will be holding a seminar on Saturday December 16th, in Wilmingon, North Carolina. The seminar flier is not out yet, but I will post it on the Chop Talk facebook page as soon as it is. In the meantime, you can get more details by contacting Victor Moore on Facebook, giving him a call at: 910-655-4560. And also be sure to check out his videos on Youtube: Vic Moore the Man Who Fought Them All, Forgotten Fury, and Put Up Your Dux.

Sunday Nov 05, 2017
CT059 Peter Boylan: Musings of a Budo Bum
Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Sunday Nov 05, 2017
This week, Peter Boylan joins the show from Detroit, Michigan. Peter is a long-time practitioner of Judo, Iaido, and Jo-Do. Peter is the author of a weekly blog, The Budo Bum and he just released a great new book based on his blog: Musings of a Budo Bum
In the show, Peter and I talk about how he got started in martial arts, his experiences training in Japan, the meaning of kata, and of course we hit some of the topics he covers in the book.
You can find out more about Peter Boylan on his blog at www.budobum.blogspot.com, and you can find his book, Musings of a Budo Bum on Amazon.

Sunday Apr 23, 2017
CT058 I'm the M*****F****** Iron Fist!
Sunday Apr 23, 2017
Sunday Apr 23, 2017
This week, Ezra Scott from James McLain's Kosho School of Karate in Nashville joins the show. Ezra and I discuss the recent release of Marvel's Iron Fist on Netflix, and also the other Marvel shows including Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage. We start the show focusing on the fight choreography, by in the 2nd half of the show we get into some of the social issues represented by the shows, especially the criticisms of Cultural Appropriation that have been leveled at Iron Fist. Particularly those regarding the appropriateness of having a white person portrayed as being a master of Asian martial arts.

Sunday Apr 16, 2017
CT057 Road Trip Wrap Up
Sunday Apr 16, 2017
Sunday Apr 16, 2017
This week we are wrapping up our multi-dojo, mulit-state, multi-country martial arts road trip. This thing took so much energy out of me that regular Chop Talk listeners may have noticed the show has been coming out pretty sporadically in the last few months. Well, today's episode is the last pre-recorded show in the bin. So next week Chop Talk will be returning with all newly recorded episodes.
Just a forewarning though, this audio on this week's episode is a little rough. The first half of the show was recorded on-the-road as Kosho School of Karate instructor, Evan Jones, and I were heading over a recently re-opened mountain pass in the Appalachians. The pass had been closed for over a 2 months due to a severe mud slide, and as you can hear in the audio, we almost slid over the side ourselves as I was paying a little too much attention to the conversation and not enough to driving!
The 2nd half of the show was recorded at the Shakespear Arms, a local English pub in Guelph, Ontario. All of the guys from the Kosho School of Karate that made the trip from Ohio to Candada were there. Paul & Mark Tarvin, Travis Volz, Tom Dougherty, and of course Evan Jones. I am happy to report that all of them successfully passed their Jodo test and were promoted!

Sunday Mar 19, 2017
CT056 Yoshio Kuba continues discussion on Goju Ryu
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
In today's show, Kosho School of Karate instructor, Evan Jones and I are still on our second stop on our international karate road trip. This week we are in Dalton, GA to join the Classical Fighting Arts Seminar, taught by Yoshio Kuba. Evan and I sat down with Kuba Sensei, his student and my good friend, Miwa Kanazawa, and a few bottles of red wine, to talk about his experiences in karate.
A student of Toguchi Sensei, Kuba has become one of the top instructors of traditional Goju Ryu in the world.. In recent years, he has traveled extensively to help teach this art. Traveling to Europe, US, India, and South Africa (where I joined the tour in 2012). He also regularly teaches at the Classical Fighting Arts seminars held in Okinawa.
His approach, is more internal than other well known branches of Goju. Focusing less on conditioning the hands and the body, but on developing correct technique and understanding application. In his classes and seminars, he emphasizes the difference between basic and "Advanced" karate techniques, stressing that the participants, many of whom are black belts, should be able to separate the fundamental techniques taught to beginners with the more practical and effective techniques they should be using as advanced practitioners.. With a background in acupuncture, he is also an expert on how to make it hurt! He includes more wrist locks and pressure points than you generally see in a karate dojo. And, he is an expert on traditional kata and bunkai.
In this interview, Kuba Sensei discusses the historical cross training between masters, the "Old" techniques that are no longer used modern training, how to find a good teacher if you don't live in downtown Naha, how more advanced practitioners move towards soft movement, and a few secret punching methods. .
To, find out more about Sensei Yoshio Kuba, and the Kenbukan Dojo, in Okinawa City, Okinawa. You can contact Miwa Kanazawa at miwandering@gmail.com

Monday Aug 29, 2016
CT055 Yoshio Kuba discusses Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate
Monday Aug 29, 2016
Monday Aug 29, 2016
This week, Kosho School of Karate instructor, Evan Jones and I make our second stop on our international karate road trip. This week we are in Dalton, GA to join the Classical Fighting Arts Seminar, taught by Yoshio Kuba. Evan and I sat down with Kuba Sensei, his student and my good friend, Miwa Kanazawa, and a few bottles of red wine, to talk about his experiences in karate.
A student of Toguchi Sensei, Kuba has become one of the top instructors of traditional Goju Ryu in the world.. In recent years, he has traveled extensively to help teach this art. Traveling to Europe, US, India, and South Africa (where I joined the tour in 2012). He also regularly teaches at the Classical Fighting Arts seminars held in Okinawa.
His approach, is more internal than other well known branches of Goju. Focusing less on conditioning the hands and the body, but on developing correct technique and understanding application. In his classes and seminars, he emphasizes the difference between basic and "Advanced" karate techniques, stressing that the participants, many of whom are black belts, should be able to separate the fundamental techniques taught to beginners with the more practical and effective techniques they should be using as advanced practitioners.. With a background in acupuncture, he is also an expert on how to make it hurt! Using more wrist locks and pressure points than you generally see in a karate dojo. And, he is an expert on traditional kata and bunkai, which we will get into in detail in this interview.
To, find out more about Sensei Yoshio Kuba, and the Kenbukan Dojo, in Okinawa City, Okinawa. You can contact Miwa Kanazawa at miwandering@gmail.com

Sunday Aug 14, 2016
CT054 One Sweet Tobacco Jo
Sunday Aug 14, 2016
Sunday Aug 14, 2016
this week's, Kosho School of Karate instructor, Evan Jones and I make our first stop in our multi state, multi-country karate road trip. This week we are in Nashville, TN to work out at James McLain's Kosho School of Karate with Head Instructor Ezra Scott. In today's episode we catch up with Ezra's recent training regiment.
We also talk about another instrutor at the school, Nick Riggans. Mr. Riggans is quite the southern renaissance man! In addition to being a great martial artist, he is also the star of the CMT's Tobacco Wars, a few episodes are available online, and I'll share a link on the Chop Talk facebook page. http://www.cmt.com/show/tobacco-wars/series.jhtml He is also one hell of a musician, the bumper music to this week's show came from his latest album "Farmed and Dangerous", which was i am told was at the time of this recording, one of the top 10 country albums in Europe. We'll play the title track to the album later in the show. If you like good old fashioned country music, you'll definitely like what you hear and you can buy Nick Riggan's latest album, Farmed & Dangerous on Amazon, you can see the video for Farmed and Dangerous on YouTube, and find out more about his other projects at www.nickriggins.com. We will be looking to have Mr. Riggans on as a guest in a future episode.
For those of you interested in learning more about Ezra Scott, and McLain's Kosho School of Karate in Nashville, TN you can visit www.koshokarate.wordpress.com

Sunday Jul 24, 2016
CT053 Evan Jones - You don't want the front row at a beheading
Sunday Jul 24, 2016
Sunday Jul 24, 2016
Oh man! In May I went on one of the all time great karate road trips! Kosho School of Karate instructor, Evan Jones, and I went on a week long Odyssy starting in Cincinnati OH, and then heading to Nashville, TN to train at James McLain's Kosho School of Karate with Head Instructor Ezra Scott, then it wason to Dalton, GA to jump in the Classical Fighting Arts seminar taught by Yoshio Kuba and my good friend Miwa Kanazawa, next was the long haul! Evan and I drove 13 hours straight, all the way from Georgia to Guelph, ON to join in the annual Sei Do Kai Jodo seminar! In Canada Evan and I we were joined by Kosho members Paul & Mark Tarvin, Travis Volz, and Tom Dougherty all of whom were testing for their promotions in Jo-Do.
We recorded episodes all along the trip, and we'll be releasing them over the next few weeks. In today's episode we get to know my co-pilot Evan Jones and find out his background in the martial arts. That interview is coming up in just a minute, but first is the
For those of you interested in learning more about Evan Jones, and theKosho School of Karate in Cincinnati, OH you can visit www.koshoschoolofkarate.com

Sunday Jun 12, 2016
CT052 Anthony Bordain Parts Unknown: Okinawa
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Some of you may have noticed that Chop Talk took a little hiatus. I got a little busy with all my karate adventures, and had to put the podcast on the back burner. But now we're back and have a lot to talk about: had 6 members from the Mei Sui Kan dojo visit Cincinnati, and people came from all over the Midwest to participate in the workshop, I was in Japan for most of December, including a very Okinawan Christmas, we lost one of my best friends and everyone's all time favorite Chop Talk guests Randy Alley, and Evan Jones and I went on one of the craziest karate road trips of all time, going from Cincinnati, to Nashville, to Atlanta, and then Toronto all in less than a week.
But, we'll get into all of that in upcoming episodes. I have a lot of good interviews recorded and even more lined up. Today's show is the wrap up of my discussion with Ezra Scott on Anthony Bordain: Parts Unknkown Okinawa episode. Ezra and I talk about the shows features on Okinawan Sumo and Bullfighting, them get into Anthony's strange questions about women in Karate, and whether it is ok for karate guys to drink, before we go way off script and talk about about watching Kung Fu Quest on YouTube. CNN seems to have taken down the complete program, but there are quite a few clips here:
For those of you who are new listeners, Ezra Scott, the head instructor of McLain's Kosho School of Karate in Nashville TN, you can find out more about Ezra and his school by going to www.koshokarate.wordpress.com/
Oh! I almost forgot! After this weeks show, I am planning to make a few tweaks to the Chop Talk format. I would like to add a 5-10 min news segment, but I need a good correspondent! If you are interested in being the new Chop Talk news girl, go to the Chop Talk facebook page for more details.

Sunday Oct 25, 2015
CT051 Anthony Bordain Jumps on the Chop Talk Bandwagon
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Ezra Scott, the head instructor of McLain's Kosho School of Karate in Nashville TN joins us this week for a discussion about this week's episode of Anthony Bordain - Parts Unknown, which was filmed in Okinawa.
You can watch the full episode on YouTube here: Anthony Bordain Parts Unknown S06E03-Okinawa
and read a bit more about the episode on the cnn page:Okinawa's Laid Back Approach to Life
Ezra and I start off by discussing the recent promotion in Nashville and the upcoming seminar in Cincinnati with Sensei Choushou Fukuhara.
On Saturday, November 7th, The Kosho School of Karate will host a Seminar by 2014 Japanese National Batto-Do Champion, Sensei Choushou Fukuhara and 6 members of the Mei Sui Kan dojo in Okinawa, including former Chop Talk guest, Miwa Kanazawa.
The seminar will focus on the Jodo: The art of the short staff, but will also include sessions taught by Sensei David Hamann on Shuri Ryu Karate, and Miwa Kanazawa on Goju Ryu Karate, and one more instructor we can't announce just yet.... but hopefully I will be able to talk about that soon...
Ezra and I then discuss some of the fine points of the episode including Anthony Bordain's interest in the martial arts, the legacy of WWII in Okinawa, and the karate that was featured in the episode. One detail that I am kicking myself for not mentioning to Ezra, is at the end of the episode, Bordain and his translator say "Kampai" (Japanese for cheers) and all of the karate guys at the table say "Kali" (Okinawan for cheers) I found this a really neat point, I don't think casual watchers would have picked it up.
If you are interesed in learning more about the jo, you are not going to find a better opportunity than this seminar. We will have something for beginners and also advanced jo practitioners. We will also have some great karate sessions for those of you who are interested in hand-to-hand martial arts.

Sunday Oct 11, 2015
CT050 - Fukuhara Seminar and Chokeholds
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
This week, my good buddy Chris Gavin joins the program. Chris and I have known each other since we were little kids, and he we worked out together at the Univisity of Illinois Shuri Ryu Karate Club starting back in 2000. Chris and I start off by reminiscing about the UofI club and then talk about the upcoming Jodo and Karate seminar in Cincinnati with Sensei Choushou Fukuhara.
On Saturday, November 7th, The Kosho School of Karate will host a Seminar by 2014 Japanese National Batto-Do Champion, Sensei Choushou Fukuhara and 6 members of the Mei Sui Kan dojo in Okinawa, including former Chop Talk guest, Miwa Kanazawa.
The seminar will focus on the Jodo: The art of the short staff, but will also include sessions taught by Sensei David Hamann on Shuri Ryu Karate, and Miwa Kanazawa on Goju Ryu Karate, and one more instructor we can't announce just yet.... but hopefully I will be able to talk about that soon...
Jodo is the japanese martial art of the short staff. It was started in the 1600s by Muso Gonnonosuke, who was one of the most famous samurai in Japan. He was considered to be the best practitionaer of the bo, or 6' staff in Japan at that time. He fought a duel with Miyamoto Musashi, but lost because he couldn't maneuver his 6' bo in such a way to block musashi's 2 sword attack.
Defeated but still alive, he retreated the mountains near Fukuoka in Southern Japan and at found a temple, Kamado Jinja where he developed the art of Jodo. He shortened his long staff to 4' and practiced striking and thrusting attacks to use against the sword. The shorter staff let him mimic the movements of the sword, spear, and nagainata and also allowed him to move inside of a swordsman's guard. When the time was right, he challenged Musashi again, this time defeating him. This was the only time Musashi lost a match in his entire career.
If you are interesed in learning more about the jo, you are not going to find a better opportunity than this seminar. We will have something for beginners and also advanced jo practitioners. We will also have some great karate sessions for those of you who are interested in hand-to-hand martial arts.
To find out more about the seminar with Sensei Choushou Fukuhara and the Kosho School of Karate in Cincinnati, call 513-510-3844, email koshoschoolofkarate@gmail.com, or visit the event page on facebook. I have been posting some videos and photos about the seminar on the facebook page, so definately check it out!

Sunday Sep 27, 2015
CT049 Back in Nashville with James McLain and David Hamann
Sunday Sep 27, 2015
Sunday Sep 27, 2015
I would like to announce a major martial arts event happening in Cincinnati, OH. On Saturday, November 7th, The Kosho School of Karate will host a Seminar by 2014 Japanese National Champion, Sensei Choushou Fukuhara. Sensei fukuhara was my jodo and iaido instructor when I lived in Japan, and it is a huge honor to have him visit. He will also be bringing 6 members of the Mei Sui Kan dojo in Okinawa, including Chop Talk guest, Miwa Kanazawa.
The seminar will focus on the Jodo: The art of the short staff, but will also include sessions taught by Sensei David Hamann on Shuri Ryu Karate, and Miwa Kanazawa on Goju Ryu Karate, and..... there will be some additional instructors and sessions as well, stay tuned for updates over the next couple of weeks.
To find out more about this seminar, contact the Kosho School of Karate at 513-510-3844, email koshoschoolofkarate@gmail.com, or visit the event page on facebook.
Its been a busy couple of months, with seminars, tournaments, and promotions. Last month, Sensei David Hamann and I visited Nashville, TN to train at the dojo of Karate legend, James McLain. After the workout I flipped on the recorder, will also hear former Chop Talk guests ,Ezra Scott, Neil Stinson, and Richard Garret in the background.
At the beginning of the show Mr. McLain talks about his time training and teaching in Chicago and the infamous Dojo Wars of the late 60s and early 70s, he then goes on to talk about being the official "Roving Representative" for the United States Karate Association, and he compares notes with David Hamann about their tough early training. After the break, Neil Stinson brings out one of Mr. McLAin's old photo albums and he shares a few stories about the people and places in the photos. You can check out the photos on the Chop Talk facebook page.
To find out more about James McLain's Kosho School of Karate in Nashville, visit http://koshokarate.wordpress.com, or check out their page on facebook
To find out more about the Kosho School of Karate in Cincinnati, Ohio, and the upcoming seminar with Sensei Choushou Fukuhara, visit www.koshoschoolofkarate@gmail.com, call 513-510-3844, email koshoschoolofkarate@gmail.com, or visit the school's page on facebook.

Sunday Jul 12, 2015
CT048 Sparring a Sumo Wrestler with Amanda Kaufman
Sunday Jul 12, 2015
Sunday Jul 12, 2015
This week my good friend, Sensei Amanda Kaufman returns to the show. Amanda is a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Shuri Ryu Karate and Okinawan Kobodo, She is the owner and head instructor of Advancing Karate in Perrysburg, OH. If you haven't listened to last week's show, go back and check it out! Amanda talked about starting martial arts at only 5 years of age, and finding her current teacher O'Sensei Robert Bowles, 10th degree black belt and head of the International Shuri Ryu Association.
She hosts an annual Summer Shuri-Ryu Standards & Weapons seminar. This year it will be held on August 8th, in Perrysburg Ohio. The seminar features O-Sensei Robert Boweles as the instructor.
In this week's show Amanda talks about meeting the REAL Mr. Miyagi, sparring a sumo wrestler, and talks about one of her favorite books The Twenty Principles by Gitchen Funikoshi.
To find out more about Sensei Amanda Kaufman, her upcoming seminar featuring Robert Bowles, and Advancing Karate, LTD in Parrysburg, OH visit www.advancingkarate.com, call 419-509-4277 or e-mail: advancingkarate@yahoo.com.

Sunday Jul 05, 2015
CT047 Searching for a Sensei with Amanda Kaufman
Sunday Jul 05, 2015
Sunday Jul 05, 2015
This week's guest is my good friend, Sensei Amanda Kaufman. Amanda is a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Shuri Ryu Karate and Okinawan Kobodo, She is the owner and head instructor of Advancing Karate in Perrysburg, OH. Amanda begain her training in the martial arts at 5 years old. She now trains under O'Sensei Robert Bowles, 10th degree black belt and head of the International Shuri Ryu Association
Sensei Kaufman is a Lifetime Member of the ISA, International Shuri-Ryu Association since 2007. In 2008 she was awarded the- "Sensei of Merit Award", a 2009 "Superior Leadership Award", and a 2009 "National Dojo Instructor's License" through the International Kokusai Shurite Yudansha-Kai.
Sensei Kaufman is a regular attendee of all the major ISA events, which is where I caught up with her in April. Since 2001 Sensei Kaufman has taught Karate and is the current Head Instructor at the Ft. Meigs YMCA Center for Health Promotion, Perrysburg, Ohio.
She hosts an annual Summer Shuri-Ryu Standards & Weapons seminar. This year it will be held on August 8th, in Perrysburg Ohio. The seminar features O-Sensei Robert Boweles as the instructor.
Today's show is the first half of my interview with Amanda. We compare notes about the recent ISA seminar in Ft. Wayne, IN and then she talks about how she started in the martial arts and her mission to find a new sensei after her original instructor switched styles. She then gives me a few tips on teaching the kids.
To find out more about Sensei Amanda Kaufman, her upcoming seminar, and Advancing Karate, LTD in Parrysburg, OH visit www.advancingkarate.com, call 419-509-4277 or e-mail: advancingkarate@yahoo.com.