
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
CT046 That Cancer F***** With the Wrong Marine
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
This week my good friend, and former Chop Talk guest, Randy Alley was in town to get in a few workouts. Unfortunately, a few months ago, Randy was diagnosed with cancer. So, he starts off the show by giving an update on the amazing progress he has made fighting back it.
He talks about the differences between his time with the Marines in Vietnam with the recent film American Sniper. He also shares a couple stories about his Grandfather, a former US Marshal.
Cancer, old age, and all, Randy looked so good during his visit, that we couldn't help but give him a long overdue promotion to Ni Dan. So at the end of the show we talk a little about the test.

Sunday May 24, 2015
CT045 On the Road to Canada with Tom Dougherty
Sunday May 24, 2015
Sunday May 24, 2015
This week, Tom Dougherty and I were on the road to Guelph, Ontario to take part in the 25th annual Sei Do Kai Seminar. Tom and I flipped on the recorder a few different times during the drive for this week's episode
Tom is a long time martial arts enthusiast who has trained in a different number martial arts around Cincinnati, including Tae Kwon Do, Ju Jitsu, Kali, he holds a black belt in Hapkido, and is now studying Jo-Do and Karate at the Kosho School of Karate. And congratulations to Tom for getting promoted to JoDo at the seminar over the weekend.
The seminar was organized by Kim Taylor, to find out more go to www. seidokai.ca and he brought in several top level Iai Do and Jo-Do instructors from Japan.
Thanks to Kim Taylor for putting on such a great event. Tom Groendal for acting as the translator throughout the weekend, and also for his help and advice in joining the US Kendo Federation and figuring out the North American Rank Testing Process. Big thanks to Fukuhara Sensei, Miwa Kanazawa, and Midori San for helping with the study material and sending us some GREAT reference videos. And finally thanks to Paul and Mark Tarvin for doing a little maintenance on my car to make sure it could handle the trip.

Sunday Apr 19, 2015
CT044 Jo-Do and Japan with Thomas Groendal
Sunday Apr 19, 2015
Sunday Apr 19, 2015
This week's guest is Thomas Groendal, a 5th degree black belt in Shindo Muso Ryu Jojutsu and 3rd Degree black belt in Daito Ryu Aikijusitsu. He currently operates a series of dojos in the Pacific Northwest that are affiliated with the Hoshu Aikijodokai located in Oita Prefecture, Japan.
Tom spent ten years in Japan, including a year in Nagoya and Tokyo as an exchange student, six and half years in Oita Prefecture and three years living in Osaka. He is also works in the translation/interpretation industry and is a partner in Translation Business Systems Japan.
Tom is currently the chief regional examiner for Western Canada in the Canadian Kendo Federation and is working with others towards the establishment of a Jodo section in the All United States Kendo Federation. He hopes to support the spread of both Daito Ryu and Shindo Muso Ryu throughout the Americas.To find out more about this week's guest, Thomas Goendal, visit his school's website at www.hoshudojo.com You can find his contact information on the website.

Sunday Apr 12, 2015
CT043 Insights from Awad & Chinese Parables
Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Sunday Apr 12, 2015
In this week's show Ezra and I continue our discussion about the weekend's workout with Sensei David Hamann and also compare notes from our meeting with Sensei Michael Awad. We then switch topics to Chinese martial arts and the parables that are often passed on to help develop student's techniques.
For those of you interested in learning more about Ezra Scott, and McLain's Kosho School of Karate you can visit www.koshokarate.wordpress.com

Monday Apr 06, 2015
CT042 Easter With Ezra
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Monday Apr 06, 2015
This weekend Ezra Scott, head instructor of McLain's Kosho School of Karate in Nashville came up to Cincinnati for a work out. We sat down to talk compare notes about judo and jujitsu techniques and Ezra shares a few self defenses for a front headlock and a guillotine choke. For those of you interested in learning more about Ezra Scott, and McLain's Kosho School of Karate you can visit http://koshokarate.wordpress.com or visit the school's page on facebook.

Sunday Mar 22, 2015
CT041 Traditional Japanese Carpentry with Professor Stan Russell
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
This week we continue our discussion with South Florida University's Professor Stan Russell. Stan is an expert on Japanese architecture and carpentry. having lived in Japan for 15 years. He is the founder of One Corner Architects, a full service Architetural design studio in Ybor City, Tampa Florida. One Corner Architects specialize in creative contemporary design solutions for residential, commercial, and institutional projects.
This week, Stan and I start of by discussing some of the notable buildings in Japanese history. Stan then lays out the origins and development of Japanese architecture, from prehistory, early Chinese influences, and development in feudal Japan. Stan then talks about how his experience with Japanese carpentry and architecture have influenced his architecture practice. We touch on Okinawan architecture briefly before wrapping up with a few more thoughts on the Japan Summer Stuido which Stan has organized for his classes at Miami University and South Florida University.
To find out more about Professor Stan Russell, you can visit his website www.stanleyrussellarchitect.com
If you are interested in finding out more about his architectural work and Japanese carpentry, you can find his contact information on his website.

Sunday Mar 01, 2015
CT039 Okinawan Kicking Techniques
Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Sunday Mar 01, 2015
This week my good friend, Ezra Scott, joins us again by phone from Nashville. We start off the show by talking about the kicking techniques popular in Okinawa, then compare notes on the kicking of different styles of karate. At the end of the show, Ezra shares a few anecdotes about his teacher, James McLain.
For those of you interested in learning more about Ezra Scott, and McLain's Kosho School of Karate in Nashville, you can visit www.koshokarate.wordpress.com
To learn more about Ezra's Ju Jitsu teacher Eric Silver, visit www.zanshindojonashville.com

Monday Feb 23, 2015
CT038 Kicking for Self Defense
Monday Feb 23, 2015
Monday Feb 23, 2015
This week my good friend, Ezra Scott, joins us by phone from Nashville. I start the show by complaining about inconsiderate Cincinnati joggers, before getting into this week's topic of kicking for self defense. We wrap up the show by sharing a few self defense and kicking anecdotes.
For those of you interested in learning more about Ezra Scott, and McLain's Kosho School of Karate in Nashville, you can visit www.koshokarate.wordpress.com
To learn more about Ezra's Ju Jitsu teacher Eric Silver, visit www.zanshindojonashville.com

Sunday Feb 15, 2015
CT037 Yakuza in the Izakaya with Chef Hideki Harada
Sunday Feb 15, 2015
Sunday Feb 15, 2015
This week, I continue my discussion with our guest, Hideki Harada. Hideki is the co-owner and executive chef of Kaze, a Japanease Pub and Sushi bar located in the Over the Rhine neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio.
In today's show we get into what took Hideki to Japan and his experiences studying sushi at it source, we then compare our different experiences of being a foreigner living in Japan, talk about a few run ins with the Japanese Yakuza, and wrap up by discussing the amazing new development in Cincinnati's Over the Rhine District and how his restaurant, Kaze, has grown over the last few years.
For More information on Kaze and executive chef Hideki Harada, visit the restaurant at 1400 Vine Street in Cincinnati, Oh, go to www.kazeotr.com, check out KazeOTR on Facebook.

Sunday Feb 08, 2015
CT036 Japanese Sushi with Chef Hideki Harada
Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Sunday Feb 08, 2015
This week we explore the world of Japanese Sushi with guest Hideki Harada, co-owner and executive chef of Kaze, a Japanease Pub and Sushi bar located in the Over the Rhine neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Hideki is an experienced chef, who has worked at numerous fine dining establishments in Cincinnati and abroad. From 2009-2011, He honed his sushi skills training in Japan After returnig to Cincinnati in 2011, he opened Kaze along with his business parnter Jon Zipperstein. Kaze combines three venues into one: a contemporary dining room, a hip bar/lounge, and a year-round, landscaped beer garden. Kaze has become a local favorite for the neighbors as well as the destination for foodies aroud cincinnati. It has played a big part in the revitalization of the Over the Rhine district.
In today's episode we talk about Hideki's experience growing up in a Japanese household in Cincinnati, as well as his early early experiences in the restaurant industry. He also talks about the difficulties of managing a restaurant and the events that took him to Japan.
For More information on Kaze and executive chef Hideki Harada, visit the restaurant at 1400 Vine Street in Cincinnati, Oh, go to www.kazeotr.com, check out KazeOTR on facebook.

Sunday Feb 01, 2015
CT035 David Hamann Part 3
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
This week we start off talking about the construction of the current location of Kosho School of Karate in Cincinnati. We then talk a little shop, as Mr. Hamann gives us his insights on how to train at such a high level for such a long time. and discusses some of the techniques and training methods he has developed over the years. At the end, we talk about getting back into the karate business, and how far the school has come in the last year. And I know that we couldn't have done it without Sensei Hamann's leadership. We are very lucky to have him here, and I just want to say "Thank you" from all the instructors and students.
To find out more about the Kosho School of Karate and Sensei David Hamann, go to www.koshoschoolofkarate.com, visit the show's page on Facebook, call 513-510-3844, or email KoshoSchoolOfKarate@gmail.com
To find out more about his industrial design business: David Hamann Design, or the products he has currently on the market, and, go to www.davidhamann.com, or e-mail dhamann@davidhamann.com

Sunday Jan 25, 2015
CT034 David Hamann Part 2
Sunday Jan 25, 2015
Sunday Jan 25, 2015
This week we have the 2nd part of my interview with Sensei David Hamann. Mr. Hamann started training in karate in 1973 with Phillip Koeppel and is currently a 7th Degree Black Belt in Shuri Ryu. He is also the head instructor and co-owner of the Kosho School of Karate in Cincinnati Ohio. We went through Sensei Hamann's bio at the opening of last week's show, so please go back and have a listen if you haven't checked it out yet.
This week we get into Mr. Hamann's college years at the University of Cincinnati, his first meeting with Shuri Ryu Chief Instructor Mike Awad,and finding a way to train during his intern ships. We also discuss the industrial design business and some of the products he has designed and are on the market, including the Snack Nanny, Whamo's Frisbee Toss-X, Rubbermaid's Action Packer, Century Martial Arts' Flex Master, and the Microbar, just to name a few.
To find out more about the Kosho School of Karate and Sensei David Hamann, go to www.koshoschoolofkarate.com, visit the show's page on Facebook, call 513-510-3844, or email KoshoSchoolOfKarate@gmail.com
To find out more about his industrial design business: David Hamann Design, or the products he has currently on the market, and, go to www.davidhamann.com, or e-mail dhamann@davidhamann.com

Sunday Jan 18, 2015
CT033 David Hamann Part 1
Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Sunday Jan 18, 2015
This week's guest is my friend, business partner, occasional employer, and teacher, Sensei David Hamann. Mr. Hamann is currently the head instructor and co-owner (along with myself and Bob Volz) of the Kosho School of Karate in Cincinnati Ohio.
David Hamann began his karate training on October 31, 1973 at the age of 20 under Sensei Phillip Koeppel, Shorei-ryu Chief Instructor. Hamann enrolled in the newly opened Pekin, Illinois dojo, one of several schools Sensei Koeppel would open across the central United States. Soon after his promotion to yellow belt, Hamann began business management training with plans of some day operating one of Sensei Koeppel’s schools. For the next six years Hamann studied karate under Master Koeppel and his black belt students, including Randy Holman, Mark Shear, Ray Bloom, Gene Nelson, Joe Walker, Mike Sheen, Tony Fyock, Ric Beach, Vicki Johnson and Mark Petersen. Peers of Hamann training in the dojo during that time included Steve Mott, Ron Rollins, Rick Martis, Wilford Lother, Randy Lloyd, Clark Wade and Alan Cromer. Hamann also began teaching and, over time, operated a number of Sensei Koeppel’s dojos.
Business/teaching assignments included:
- Assistant manager – Peoria Dojo
- Assistant manager – Pekin Dojo
- Interim manager – Cleveland Dojo
- MManager/Sensei – Champaign Dojo
- Manager/Instructor – Dayton Dojo
As Dojo Manager, Mr. Hamann traveled the United States Karate Association (USKA) tournament circuit, competing in national and international competitions from Minneapolis to Miami, Detroit to St. Louis and Phoenix to Pittsburgh; taking first place 22 times, second place 11 times and third place 6 times. Hamann competed within other organizations including the PKC and AAU, and in numerous Phil Koeppel Schools of Karate inter-dojo tournaments.
David Hamann left the karate business in May 1980 to pursue a design degree at the University of Cincinnati (U.C.). Upon arriving in Cincinnati, Hamann introduced himself to Shuri-Ryu Chief Instructor Michael Awad, requesting permission to train with him, his brothers and students. Hamann was welcomed as a standing member and instructor at Sensei Awad’s Kosho School Karate School.
While attending U.C., Hamann completed design internships in Columbus, Ohio where he organized a karate club and taught for nine months; and in Winchester, Virginia where he taught advanced students at the Tom Glass Karate Club for six months.
David Hamann graduated from U.C. in June 1984 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Design. Upon graduation, he took a position with Index Design Associates in Cincinnati. For the following nine years, Hamann continued to train with Michael Awad and students. He also maintained a dojo at the design office where he worked – for personal training and occasional employee lessons.
In June 1993 David Hamann started his own product design business, David Hamann Design, and in January 1994, with a small group of students, he opened the Northside Karate Club in the historic Northside district of Cincinnati. During this time, Hamann continued to train with Master Koeppel and with the Awad’s, which he continues to do to this day.
David Hamann also broadened his karate knowledge and experience through training, classes and seminars led by the following Sensei: (chronologically)
- Glen Keeney
- Mel Wise
- Master Robert Trias
- James McLain
- Ross Scott
- David Suzuki
- Parker Shelton
- Robert Yarnall
- James Horne
- Bill Wallace
- KennethPenland
- Ronald Lindsey
- Patrick McCarthy
- Takayoshi Nagamine
- Kimo Wall
- Charles Plaines
- Bill Hayes
- Doug Perry
- Hidy Ochiai
- Others
Over the years, David Hamann taught and influenced hundreds of students in many locations, and continued to compete in tournaments across the country.
David Hamann holds the following rank, honors and positions:
- 7th degree black belt, Shuri-Ryu
- Double-Axe award recipient - distinguished student of Master Phillip Koeppel
- Member, United States Karate-do Kai association (USKK)
- Bushido International Society member - outstanding competitor award, USKK
- Ohio State Representative, USKK
- President, Life Membership Society, USKK
To find out more about the Kosho School of Karate and Sensei David Hamann, go to www.koshoschoolofkarate.com, visit the show's page on Facebook, call 513-510-3844, or email KoshoSchoolOfKarate@gmail.com
To find out more about his industrial design business: David Hamann Design, or the products he has currently on the market, and, go to www.davidhamann.com, or e-mail dhamann@davidhamann.com

Sunday Jan 04, 2015
CT032 Mutsuki Tomoyose
Sunday Jan 04, 2015
Sunday Jan 04, 2015
This week's
guest is my good friend, Mutsuki Tomoyose. Mustuki is a Japanese instructor
from Chatan, Okinawa, a hula enthusiast,
and is very active in the Nazarene church. She is currently in Costa
Rica to taking part in a mission trip organized by 3rd Wave. Since she was in
the hemisphere, she decided to stop by for a visit. This is Mutsuki's first trip to the United
States, and I was curious to get her impressions of the country, so we sat down
for a talk.
We start off
talking about teaching Japanese and how she got involved with the church, then
we get into her impressions of American food, and talk about some of the places
she visited.

Sunday Dec 14, 2014
CT031 Charles Robertson
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
I recently had a chance to sit down with my longtime friend Charles Robertson. Charles began studying martial arts 25 years ago at the Academy of Okinawan Karate in Peoria, IL. Where we worked out together under Shihan Joseph Walker. At the beginning of the show, Charles talks about how he got started in the martial arts and some of the severe medical problems he had to overcome to continue training. We then get into his competition career and share a few blood and guts stories after the break. At the end of the show, Charles talks about his family supporting him during his martial arts training and dealing with the passing of his mother.

Sunday Dec 07, 2014
CT030 Thanksgiving with Grandma
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
With Thanksgiving last week, there wasn't a lot of time for martial arts last week, as I went home to Peoria, Illinois to spend the holiday with my family. Before Thanksgiving dinner I sat down with my grandma, Barbara Craig, and flipped on the recorder. She talked about learning to cook, her childhood in Algona, Iowa, and learning to ride a horse. In the second half of the show she shared her passion for motorcycles and surviving a horrific accident in 2001. At the end of the show she talked about the beginning of her military service as a member of the Navy WAVES during the Korean war.

Sunday Nov 23, 2014
CT029 ISA Kobudo Seminar - Joseph Walker and Joey Johnston
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
On Saturday I made the drive to Ft. Wayne Indiana to take part in the International Shuri Ryu Association's annual Kobudo Seminar. The director of the ISA, 10th Dan, Hanshi Robert Bowles led the training, going over traditional kata, interpretation, and application for the bo, sai, and tonfa. It was a great seminar with a very good turn out and I would definitely recommend it to anyone when it rolls around next year.
One of the great things about events like this is getting the chance to catch up with karate-ka from around the country that you don't get to see that often. After the seminar I was chatting with Josh Carter and Joey Johnston, who is the head of the Academy of Okinawan Karate's branch in Morton, IL, When we realized that a few months back I ran into one of Joey's former students while in Wisconsin at Neil Stolsmark's school. This started us reminiscing about old times so I decided to flip on the recorder for a very impromptu interview.
A few minutes in, my first teacher, Joey's Step-Father, and the owner of the Academy of Okinawan Karate, Shihan Joseph Walker, walked by and joined in the discussion. He told us about his very first judo class, traveling to Phoenix to train with Grandmaster Trias, and a few adventures he had in Japan.
The discussion was cut short when Osensei Bowles realized we were the last people left in the training hall, and asked us to wrap it up! We are planning on having both Mr. Johnston and Shihan Walker in for a more formal interview in the near future.
To find out more about the International Shuri Ryu Organization and Osensei Robert Bowles, go to www.shuri-ryu.com to find out more about the Robert Bowles Karate Academy go to www.bowleskarate.com or call (260) 456-7788
To find out more about Shihan Joseph Walker, Joey Johnston, and the Academy of Okinawan Karate go to www.peoriakarate.com, visit the school's page on facebook, or call 309-692-2499.

Sunday Nov 16, 2014
CT028 Bob Volz (2 of 2)
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
This week's we have the second half of the interview with Bob Volz, a long time student of Shuri Ryu Chief Instructor Mike Awad, and co-owner of the Kosho School of Karate in Cincinnati, OH.
We open the show by discussing the importance of teaching and the application of bunkai. (Bunkai is the application of karate moves). We then discuss Mr. Volz' impressive art and antique collection. It the second half of the show, we discuss the impressive group of black belts that came up through the Kosho School of Karate and the great potential of the new crop of students.
To find out more about Mr. Volz and the Kosho School of Karate visit www.koshoschoolofkarate.com or visit the school's page on facebook.

Sunday Nov 09, 2014
CT027 Bob Volz (1 of 2)
Sunday Nov 09, 2014
Sunday Nov 09, 2014
This week's guest is Bob Volz, a long time student of Shuri Ryu Chief Instructor Mike Awad, and co-owner, along with David Hamann and myself, of the Kosho School of Karate in Cincinnati, OH.
Mr. Volz has been studying karate for almost 40 years and as part of Sensei Awads dojo had a chance to train under some of the best karate men of the era, including Robert Trias, Phillip Koepell, James McLain, Ross Scott, Bill Superfoot Walace and many more. He is also an avid art and antique collector and has an impressive vintage motorcycle collection. Mr. Volz is also known as a top notch instructor with impeccable basics and a stickler for details.
To find out more about Mr. Volz and the Kosho School of Karate visit www.koshoschoolofkarate.com or visit the school's page on facebook: Kosho School of Karate.

Sunday Nov 02, 2014
CT026 Six Months of Chop Talk
Sunday Nov 02, 2014
Sunday Nov 02, 2014
Its hard to believe, but we have already been doing the show for 6 months! With so many great guests from 3 continents and across the US, I wanted to highlight some of the best moments from Chop Talk. So I asked the fans of the show for their favorite Chop Talk moments and these were the stories that stood out.